검색 팝업창

General Administrative Services

    Nursing Care Rating Application and Appeal Agency

    For subscribers and dependents under long-term care insurance, recognition as requiring nursing care is provided based on set criteria, regardless of age or presence of geriatric diseases.

    National Disability Registration and Appeal Agency

    After receiving treatment for illness or injury, evaluation of disability under the National Disability Act determines eligibility for registration as a national disabled person. We handle appeal and administrative appeal procedures as necessary.

    Application for Registration of Persons of National Merit and Veterans' Compensation

    We represent military or police officers who are directly involved in the defense and security of the country or the protection of life and property of the people, or military, police, and firefighting officers who are not directly involved, to receive compensation in accordance with the National Meritorious Service Honor and Support Act if they are killed or injured in the course of their duties or training.

    Medical Dispute Mediation Application Agency

    We act on behalf of applicants for medical dispute settlement procedures for disputes that occurred while receiving treatment at a medical institution due to illness or injury.

    Traffic Accident Investigation Appeal Agency

    If a traffic accident occurs and the accident has been reported to the police and is being processed, or if there is an objection to an unfair investigation among the complaints that have been processed, we will act on behalf of the appeal.

    Transcript Writing

    In order to be used as evidence in various litigation or complaint procedures, we will issue a 'Certificate of Fact' that certifies that the contents of the transcript are the same as the contents of the audio record, and the transcript is made by documenting the voice record such as the conversation in which the delegate himself participated or the recording of the delegate himself/herself.

    Issuance of Confirmation of Facts of Interest

    In the event that the address of one of the creditors or debtors has changed or is unclear and the proof of contents has been returned, to issue an abstract of resident registration for address verification.
    We will issue the necessary 'Confirmation of Fact of Interest'.

    외국인 기타 업무 절차
    • STEP 01
      상담 (온라인, 전화상담, 내방)
    • STEP 02
      필요자료 제출 및 검토
    • STEP 03
      수임계약 체결
    • STEP 04