검색 팝업창

About Korea Administrative Office

    At the forefront is the Korea Administrative Affairs Joint Office, prioritizing your needs.

    Greetings, this is the Korea Administrative Affairs Joint Office, dedicated to your service.

    The Korea Administrative Affairs Joint Office facilitates employment opportunities for foreign workers essential to agricultural corporations, factories, companies, and individual farms in depopulated regions. Apart from offering residency-related administrative services, we extend our support to foreigners residing in diverse regions. Our approach always centers on your needs, ensuring administrative services of the utmost priority.

    I extend my gratitude to all who have supported the Korea Administrative Affairs Joint Office thus far,
    and pledge our continued dedication to serving you better.
    Thank you.

    What sets the Korea Administrative Affairs Joint Office apart?
    • Specialized administrative services

      tailored to every field.
    • Your trusted partner :

      the Korean Administrative Office for Foreigners.
    • A beacon of

      trust and reliability.
    Introduction of Administrative Officers
    Representative Administrative Officer
    Hwang Deok-ju
    • Tel

      010. 4842. 9454

    • E-mail


    Former National Civil Servant Level 5

    Former Head of In-Insurance Compensation Team, Loss Adjuster

    Former Counseling Specialist in Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh

    Currently Ministry of Justice Registered Immigration Agency

    Member of the Korean Association of Administrative Judges

    Representative Administrative Officer, Korea Joint Office of Administrative Affairs

    Representative Administrative Officer
    Kim Do-hyung
    • Tel

      010. 3822. 2427

    • E-mail


    Graduated from Hanyang University Graduate School of Public Administration

    Former National Civil Servant Level 5

    Former Cambodia, Myanmar, India e-Visa

    Currently Ministry of Justice Registered Immigration Agency

    Member of the Korean Association of Administrative Judges

    Representative Administrative Officer, Korea Joint Office of Administrative Affairs

    • Address

      서울 구로구 공원로 41 (구로동, 현대파크빌)324

    • Tel


    버스로 오시는 길

    • 50

      대성디폴리스 정거장에서 하차 후 100M 도보

    • 21-1

      대성디폴리스 정거장에서 하차 후 100M 도보

    • 100-1

      대성디폴리스 정거장에서 하차 후 100M 도보

    • 마을버스 5

      대성디폴리스 정거장에서 하차 후 100M 도보

    지하철로 오시는 길

    • 1호선

      1호선 가산디지털단지역 1번 출구에서 하차 후 대성디폴리스까지 300M 도보로 이동

    • 7호선

      지하철 퍼블시 참고 - line1 ~ line9 까지 class가 만들어져 있음.

    차량으로 오시는 길

    • 네비에서 '대성디폴리스 지식산업센터' 를 검색하여 찾아 오시면 됩니다.